Wings of Spirit® is a not-for-profit foundation which supports the spiritual awakening of Oneness within all people. Its purpose is to embrace the heart of humanity through prayer, intensives, courses, product development, and blessings of Oneness. Its co-founders, John and Diadra Price (formerly known as Debbie Tyson), are dedicated to drawing forth the awareness of the Divinity of all people.
Through its endeavors, Wings of Spirit® seeks to create an environment of harmony among all people and a world of peace. The foundation is supported solely by the gifts of God’s Grace and the financial gifts of you, our friends of peace.
Wings Family

Diadra Price passed away in August of 2020. John’s wife, twin, and the love of his existence was the President and co-founder of the Wings of Spirit® Foundation. She was a spiritual teacher, author, Oneness trainer, and Unity Minister. Formerly known as Rev. Debbie Tyson, she was on the Ministerial Education Staff at Unity Village for ten years as director of Prayer Studies and instructor of Metaphysics. She also served as senior minister of Unity Church of Dallas, TX. She devoted her life to the fulfillment of the commission she received from the indwelling Presence: "You are here to help My children accept My Grace. Use the book of love." Her book, Grace Awakening Essence, is devoted to the messages received from a devout study of The Gospel According to John, which, since childhood, she has called the book of love. Her latest book, The Book of Love ~ The Word Made Flesh, is a compilation of 20 years of Grace filled messages received by her during I/eye work with her husband, John. Rather than being a discourse about the indwelling Presence, her new book is a treasury of Wisdom and Love from the Presence. A read of The Book of Love is to experience Oneness as the Eternal Divinity of you. [John continues to post excerpts from The Book of Love to Diadra’s Facebook page at as well as to Wings’ Facebook page at] She is also the co-author, along with her husband, of Soular Reunion: Journey to the Beloved. She has a beautiful daughter, 2 wonderful grandchildren, and 2 gorgeous great-grandchildren. Although her beautiful physical presence is sorely missed, her eternal presence lives on.

John Price is V. President and co-founder of Wings of Spirit® Foundation. He is a trial attorney and author. He is the author of A Gathering of Light: Eternal Wisdom for a Time of Transformation and co-author, along with Diadra, of Soular Reunion: Journey to the Beloved. He is now in the process of finalizing a new book entitled A Gathering of Peace and in the process of writing a new non-duality book entitled The Tao of I. John was a long-time member of the World Business Academy, the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and the World Wildlife Fund. He has received many awards as an attorney over the years. He formerly served as Coordinator of Government and Politics Strategy for the Campaign for the Earth, he was on the Board of Directors of the Dallas United Nations Association through which he was a frequent speaker on human rights, he was the head of the Dallas Citizens for Super-Conductor, Super-Collidor (SCSC), and he is currently a partner with Calhoun, Bhella & Sechrest LLP, a Dallas based law firm that he co-founded. He has 2 wonderful sons and 6 beautiful grandchildren. He lives in the beautiful Blueridge Mountains of North Carolina and enjoys nature each and every day.

Laurie Anderson

Angel Gates
For years Angel blessed Wings of Spirit with tireless service and gifts beyond mention as Director. Angel made her transition on January 1, 2018. To stand in her presence was literally to be touched by an Angel. Always joyful, she is forever loved and missed.

Dawn Loper Clair
Facebook management for WOS and Graphic Design. Quite an artist, this one! She is "I love you" in motion personified.

Pat Bellamy
Over twenty (20) years of volunteering to transcribe all taped messages and the gifting of countless hours of transcript and book editing. Pat is a trusted advisor, spiritual sounding board, and dear friend. Without her none of this would have ever come to be. She is the gift of Grace to us.

Sarah Martin
Volunteer Care Provider. From meals to the comfort of the heart, Sarah is a living angel. Her life calling is in service to others through her Amazing Grace Home Care foundation. Talk about the Law of Attraction, it was Grace attracting Grace with our beloved Sarah. She is a nurse by profession and nurtures all of us during retreats and intensives.

Ty Martin
Assistant to all of us in the areas of computer programs, website management, video technician, and creative works. Ty is truly amazing and such a gift of love and peace.

Diana Trott
JMarketing Advisor & dear friend. She is an answer to Prayer, gifting WOS with her brilliant professional marketing techniques. If you're in the market, and want the best, we highly recommend the Beloved, Diana.

Zarley WOS Volunteer
After a long search for truth, Jacquie has embraced the teachings of Grace Consciousness with all her heart. She is devoted and committed to living in and from Grace. Jacquie has volunteered to assist Wings of Spirit in a multitude of ways. We are honored by one so devoted. Thank you God for the blessing of Jacquie Zarley. She is selfless service and an answer to prayer.

Pat Moore
Pat Moore is an answer to prayer. Gifting WOS with her passion for the Divine and her wealth of understanding, she is the personification and the livingness of Grace Consciousness. Loved and adored by all who gather near, she shares a treasure chest of spiritual gifts. I refer to her as “the blue-eyed Goddess” following with infinite wisdom and tender love and care for all. In her own words she describes her calling: “My entire life has been about ministry and service. I came out of the womb touching the face of the Divine and never wanted to let that go.”
Victoria Bradley
Diadra’s beloved sister, Victoria Bradley, is a beautiful and gifted artist who, over the years, has passionately expressed her talents through multiple media including dance, photography, painting, and sculpture – to name a few. Victoria is now creating original art with a message to “Be Love.” The saying on her cards reads “every day in every way, in all you do and think and say ... ‘Be Love!’” It wasn’t until recently she realized her sister had spelled out in The Book of Love what that really means, and she now includes a small scroll with each piece of art sold containing that quote from her sister’s book reading:
“You are discovering you no longer yearn as much to be loved as you do to Be Love! This is a true sign of awakening and attunement. Being Love, you love to love for no reason other than Love is who and what you are. When that is your discovery, you, the child of Love, yearn more and more to find more to love, as if discovering new flavors of ice cream. When the love to love becomes your passion, new laws of creation come into play, bypassing an intricate system of mental constructs. As awareness of the Love you are surfaces, it effortlessly reveals its flowering, gathering in the gardens of health, happiness, deed, abundance of all opulence, and glorious relationships. Love one another as the eternal Love where you stand. Seek only to love from the balconies of Heaven within, to be given not from the need for reason, but from the true nature of your being.”
For every piece of art sold, Victoria is donating 20% to a charity working to save the planet, rescue animals, and make life better for those in need. Selected pieces of her “Be Love” artwork are now available for purchase on the Wings of Spirit Products’ page. Moreover, Victoria can be commissioned to create a beautiful piece of art just for you! Go to the Store here >